UX Case Study

UX Case Study

UX Case Study





Explore my live case study, tracking the transformation of Airbnb's group booking experience. I've progressed from user research to high-fidelity prototype, with usability testing up next. Witness the journey unfold, and your feedback is crucial in shaping the future. Stay tuned for regular updates as I enhance the Airbnb experience in real time.




My goal is to enhance the user experience of booking accommodation as a group. Currently, only individuals can book accommodation and encourage their friends or colleagues to pay them back after payment is made.

I'd like to make it easier for groups of people to split the cost of an Airbnb when travelling together.

User Segment

User Segment

User Segment

The user segment I'd like to target to improve the group booking experience on Airbnb.com consists of travellers who plan trips together in larger parties, such as families, friends, and co-workers. These users typically require accommodations that can comfortably accommodate multiple guests and offer amenities suited for group travel, such as shared living spaces, multiple bedrooms, and family-friendly facilities. By catering to the specific needs of this segment, I aim to enhance their booking journey, increase user satisfaction, and tap into a relatively untapped market to drive higher revenue and gain a competitive advantage.

User Research

User Research

User Research

Before diving into features and design, I conducted a survey using Google Forms to gather insights and views of airbnb users. 10 individuals with varied demographics, such as gender, age, and location, participated.

To derive insights from the survey results, I utilised Dovetail to create an affinity map. This strategic approach allowed me to organise the collected data into distinct trends, employing tagging taxonomy to highlight key areas of improvement. The analysis of the survey results unveiled several overarching themes : Pain Points, Factors, Behaviour, Emotion, Suggestions and Booking Process.

Subsequently, I drew insightful conclusions from the affinity mapping exercise which resulted into finding the major problem space :

  • Reimbursement Challenges : Group travellers face difficulties in obtaining reimbursements, leading to financial losses due to forgotten or delayed responses.

  • Fragmented Payment Processes : Users find it inconvenient to use multiple apps for cost splitting, payment management, and Airbnb navigation simultaneously, resulting in a cumbersome experience.

  • Communication and Expectation Management : Group travellers struggle with managing everyone's expectations and communication within Airbnb, highlighting the need for streamlined channels.

My solution will focus on addressing these pain points, prioritising a user-centric approach to enhance the group payment management experience on Airbnb.

Rapid Mind Mapping

Rapid Mind Mapping

Rapid Mind Mapping

To swiftly translate the research findings into actionable design strategies, I employed a rapid mind mapping approach. This dynamic technique allowed me to visualise and synthesize the identified pain points, guiding the path toward innovative solutions.

Understanding The Existing User Flow And IA

I meticulously conducted an Information Architecture audit and usability review of the current Airbnb booking flow. The goal was to identify areas for improvement and pinpoint where new features could be seamlessly integrated to elevate the group booking experience.

New Userflow

New Userflow

New Userflow

In this section, my objective is clear: crafting straightforward and intuitive paths that streamline group payments on Airbnb. The user flow is divided into two main segments—individual payments and group payments. Recognising the efficiency of the existing individual payment process on Airbnb, I've maintained the current user flow without any alterations.

For group payments, a novel functionality has been introduced. Users can now effortlessly create groups, add members, and seamlessly split the cost. This enhancement ensures a user-friendly experience, making the Airbnb journey for group payment splits both clear and efficient.




With a strategic understanding of user needs and a vision for an improved Airbnb group booking experience, we move on to the wireframes phase.

Setting Up Airbnb UI

Setting Up Airbnb UI

Setting Up Airbnb UI

Before delving into the realm of High-Fidelity designs, I laid the groundwork by crafting a basic UI kit following Airbnb's design. This involved establishing the colour palette, defining fonts, and assembling essential components required for the upcoming High-Fidelity designs. This ensures a consistent and visually pleasing user interface that aligns seamlessly with Airbnb's established design language, setting the stage for a polished and refined user experience.

Hi Fidelity Designs

Hi Fidelity Designs

Hi Fidelity Designs

The all new Airbnb group booking feature!

Creating and Managing Groups :
Allowing users to create and manage groups introduces a convenient way to organize and reuse group structures for future travels. Users can effortlessly create new groups, edit group details, and add or remove members, providing a flexible and customizable experience.

Inviting and Configuring Group Members :
Users can seamlessly add members to their groups through invites sent via messages or links. Accepted members appear in the group payment section, where users can view the automatically calculated splits. For more control, users have the option to manually adjust the split. After confirming the group details and split, users proceed to confirm and make payments within the specified timeframe.

Executing Group Payments :
Once members are added, payments can be made within the designated timeframe set by the host. Users can easily track their payment progress and send reminders to those yet to contribute. Upon successful completion, users have the option to initiate a group chat (if new) / go to their existing chat (if old) or they can engage in direct communication with the host.

Next Steps

Next Steps

Next Steps

Moving forward, the design focus will shift to crafting features for editing splits, group chat functionality, and addressing potential edge cases for a more robust design. Subsequently, usability tests in Maze will be conducted to assess the design's effectiveness and identify areas for improvement through iteration.




Your feedback is essential in shaping our Airbnb group booking experience.

Share your insights below and be a part of the design journey!

© 2023 by Shitiz Aggarwal